Rotary Encoder Module


Rotary Encoder Module with Push Select

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SKU: MOD-ROT-ENC-01-1X Category:

Product Description

This single channel rotary encoder module is ideal for simple, quick and effective user input control. It features a 20 point per revolution 360° continuous shaft with push selector switch.

The module is supplied with a right-angled 5-pin header used for power, 2-bit encoder pulse output and push switch output. All outputs are pulled high with the on-board 10K resistors, allowing easy interfacing with most micro-controller I/O pins.

Encoder Type: Incremental 360° Continuous Rotation.
Positions: 20 Positions per Revolution.
Detents: Yes.

Operating Voltage: 3V – 12V DC.
PCB Size (Approx.) : 26.5mm(L) x 19mm(W) x 30mm(H).
Mounting Hole(s): 3mm (2 off).

Shaft Mounting Thread: 1/4″ 32TPI (Note: Mounting nut is not supplied).

Hobby Components Forum Arduino Sketch Example for compatible Rotary Encoder.