USB Serial Converter


USB to TTL Serial Converter

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SKU: MOD-USB-TTL-01-1X Category:

Product Description

This simple USB to TTL Serial converter is based upon Silicon Labs CP2102 Bridge chip. It features a 6-pin header providing 5V, 3.3V & GND (Power), RXD, TXD (micro-controller UART) and also includes the DTR line which is used as a reset control by the Arduino software.

The module is supplied with a 5-way cable assembly for easy connection to target unit.

Virtual COM Port drivers are available for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS-X, Mac OS-9 and Linux.

USB Interface: USB 2.0 Compliant.
USB Connector: Standard USB Type A Male.
USB Signalling Rate: Full-Speed (12 Mbps).
UART Baud Rates: 300bps to 1Mbps.
6W Connector: PCB R/A Header (3.3V, RST, TXD, RXD, GND & +5V).

PCB Size: 27x16mm.
Overall Size: 48x16mm.
5W Cable Assembly Length: ~200mm.

Silicon Labs Drivers